by Ilio Masprone – Publisher – Knight of the Principality of Monaco for cultural merit.

MONACO. The year that has just begun is burdened of an unforgiving pandemic. Despite the production of different vaccines in record time, the deadly virus continues to claim victims around the world. Each of us must engage in this huge struggle, first by preserving our health and that of our fellow citizens by adopting all the safety measures that are unanimously imposed worldwide. Spacing and mask are essential, and for now the closure alike of those various activities promoting dangerous gatherings, from schools to restaurants, from museums to shopping centers. About social relations, the danger of a psychological drift in every stratum of the population, especially the youth, makes it difficult to look to the future with optimism. Yet it is essential to kill our fears and keep our inner strength steady, a key to overcome the many obstacles. After the lockdown that allowed the publication of just three issues in January, June, and November 2020, while considering the real difficulties and unforeseen events that could arise, MonteCarloTimes-Les Nouvelles wants to resume its path with the publication of six issues during the year 2021. The Principality of Monaco, its Head of State, HSH Prince Albert II and the whole Government did not spare themselves in staying close to the citizens, offering social care and economic support to keep up with the disastrous times that we are living. Traditionally published in Italian and French, starting from this February issue the Magazine will be published in French and enriched with many articles in English, which has always been the international language of our website

We know that most of our Italian readers living in Monaco speak and read both French and English, so they will not find any difficulty. Montecarlotimes-Les Nouvelles wishes to grow and become more and more integrated in the Principality of Monaco, a splendid and universally recognized international showcase that is giving hospitality to our publishing company. In this way, the Magazine wants to reach the highest number of readers, and to be distributed abroad. A negotiation has already started, and we hope to define it soon. We must be confident, always try to see the silver lining of things, and think about the future with enthusiasm: recovering depends on us only. This is my sincere wish to the followers of this site which at last, pandemic permitting, is resuming in this month of February.

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