by Virginia De Masi


by Virginia De Masi

IMPORTANT READ: All events in Monaco are canceled until further notice, but some events that occurred before the lockdown suggest hope for the future of the Principality! While waiting for a return to normal, protect yourself well and take care of your loved ones. See you soon in Monaco




3 -5 March, 2020 – HIGH SEAS TREATY DIALOGUE – MONACO – HSH the Sovereign Prince of Monaco Albert II and former US Secretary of State John Kerry jointly opened in the Principality the High Seas Treaty Dialogue organized by the Norwegian Nobel Institute and the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, bringing together a small group of heads of government around the issue of preserving the high seas. These three days of discussion, which took place in Monaco from 3 to 5 March 2020, made it possible to address the crucial questions still pending before the fourth session of the Intergovernmental Conference (IGC4) – (see below cancellation due to COVID-19 to follow) -on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ).  – (see below cancellation due to COVID-19 to follow) – The Sovereign Prince and the former US Secretary of State were able to exchange views on aspects related to the treaty on the high seas as well as tools for managing marine protected areas. HSH Prince Albert II declared: “If we can protect the seabed (…), this is unfortunately not the case on the high seas. There are extraordinary resources and biodiversity which are already threatened and which can be exploited by anyone, no matter how.” In addition, HSH Prince Albert II welcomed the members of the Scientific and Technical Committee of the Foundation who met for its 28th working meeting on the presentation and examination of 26 projects concerning the three fields of action of the Foundation: Climate Change, Biodiversity and Water. Once the opinion of the Scientific and Technical Committee has been issued and possible approval by the Board of Directors, next June, the projects may be supported by the Foundation.

Ocean protection at the core of meeting
between HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco
and John Kerry

 Prince Albert II attended a roundtable meeting on March 10 with the British Royal Prince Charles at the WaterAid Summit in London on that day. They are not believed to have shaken hands. Owing to the high number of engagements they carried out in their public role during recent weeks, it is not possible to ascertain from whom both princes caught the virus. Prince Albert was tested positive for COVID-19 on March 19 and Prince Charles on March 25. On April 1st HSH prince Albert and HRH prince Charles have both been declared cured, in good health and out of self-isolation. Read more: APRIL FOOL IS NO JOKE IN MONACO: HEALED ALBERT II OF MONACO ADDRESSES TO THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY

5 March 2020 – IMPORTANT READ: LETTER by Mrs Rena Lee – President of the Intergovernmental Conference on an international legally binding instrument under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction – 

“Excellencies, I have the honour to refer to the fourth session of the intergovernmental conference on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ) convened pursuant to General Assembly resolution 72/249, which is scheduled to take place at the United Nations Headquarters in New York from 23 March to 3 April 2020. 2 I have received the enclosed letter from the Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs and United Nations Legal Counsel (who is also the Secretary-General of the conference), in response to my queries regarding the possible impacts of the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) on the fourth session of the conference. In the letter, the Under-Secretary-General strongly recommended that consideration be given to postponing the fourth session of the conference, given the number of delegates expected to attend, in particular from abroad, and the duration of the session. The Under-Secretary-General also observed that due to the nature of the conference and given the critical stage of the process, it would appear that a conference in a reduced format may not be a viable option. The Under-Secretary-General also noted that any changes in the dates of the fourth session would require a decision of the General Assembly. 3 I have consulted the bureau of the conference, which supports my proposal to postpone the fourth session. In this regard, an informal meeting will be held on Monday, 9 March 2020, at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, at 3:00 pm, in Conference Room 2. The meeting will consider the proposal to postpone the fourth session, and agree on any recommendations that may have to be made to the President of the General Assembly.”

Signed by Mrs RENA LEE

Ambassador for Oceans and Law of the Sea Issues Special Envoy of the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Singapore President of the BBNJ intergovernmental conference.

8 March 2020 – CATHEDRAL OF MONACO – EPISCOPAL ORDINATION AND THE INSTALLATION OF THE NEW ARCHBISHOP The episcopal ordination and the installation of the new archbishop, Mgr Dominique-Marie David, took place on Sunday March 8, at 3.30 p.m., in the Cathedral of Monaco, in the presence of the Princely Family and the highest authorities of the State. The solemn celebration was presided over by Mgr Bernard Barsi, apostolic administrator of the diocese, surrounded by Mgr Jean-Paul James, archbishop of Bordeaux and Bazas and Mgr Yves Le Saux, bishop of Le Mans. Born September 21, 1963 in Beaupréau (Maine et Loire), Monseigneur David was ordained a priest on June 29, 1991 for the diocese of Nantes. He expressed the wish to place the family, young people and education at the center of his missions. IMPORTANT READ: In light of the social distancing measures recently announced by the Prince’s Government and the nationwide lockdown in France, Monaco’s churches are creating recordings of mass services so that the congregation can still “attend” from their homes. A mass recording will be made each day by a priest from one of Monaco’s churches to be broadcast at 6pm on the Diocese Monaco website . This is to avoid further spread of the novel coronavirus Covid-19.  There is one cathedral in Monaco and 13 churches and chapels in the Principality. The Archdiocese of Monaco is resided over by Mgr Dominique-Marie David.

9 March 2020 – IMPORTANT READ: THE BBNJ CONFERENCE POSTPONED – LETTER ADRESSED TO ALL PERMANENT REPRESENTATIVES AND PERMANENT OBSERVERS TO THE UNITED NATIONS  – NEW YORK  – In light of the situation concerning COVID-19, the President of the general Assembly Tijjani Muhammad-Bande will consider proposed draft decision to postpone the fourth session of the BBNJ Conference in plenary meeting of the General Assembly on Wednesday, 11 March 2020, at 10 a.m. He also liked to avail this opportunity to again express the solidarity with Member States who are fighting COVID-19 and our sincere condolences for their loss, and call on all Members to strive together in our joint efforts to fight the disease in the spirit of multilateralism to deliver for all. Therefore, the FOURTH SESSION OF THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL CONFERENCE (IGC4) – NEW YORK  from 23 March to 3 April 2020 is POSTPONED – Seventy-fourth session Agenda item 74 (a) Oceans and the law of the sea: oceans and the law of the sea Draft decision submitted by the President of the General Assembly Intergovernmental conference on an international legally binding instrument under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction The General Assembly, Recalling its resolution 72/249 of 24 December 2017, in which it decided to convene an intergovernmental conference, under the auspices of the United Nations, to consider the recommendations of the Preparatory Committee 1 on the elements and to elaborate the text of an international legally binding instrument under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 2 on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction, with a view to developing the instrument as soon as possible, and also decided that, initially with respect to 2018, 2019 and the first half of 2020, the conference shall meet for four sessions of a duration of 10 working days each, Recalling also its resolution 74/19 of 10 December 2019, in which it decided to convene, from 23 March to 3 April 2020, the fourth session of the intergovernmental conference, Noting with concern the situation concerning the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), Decides to postpone the fourth session of the conference to the earliest possible available date to be decided by the General Assembly.”

March 21, 2020 – SACRED MILITARY CONSTANTINIAN ORDER OF SAINT GEORGE: FUNDRAISING COVID-19-HOSPITALS – Following the appeal by SAS Prince Albert II of Monaco to our director Ilio Masprone, knight of the Principality of Monaco for cultural merits, we publish and forward a heartfelt message from His Royal Highness the Prince and Grand Master Charles of Bourbon of the Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro. The Grand Master, who speaks Italian, French and English, promotes and coordinates the charitable, welfare and cultural activities of the Sacred military Constantinian order of Saint George is an order of knighthood with origins dating back to emperor Constantine who founded the order following the miraculous appearance of the cross at Saxa Rubra. it has been considered one of the most ancient among the orders of knighthood.

Together to defeat COVID-19
Please help us win this battle: donate now!


 24 -28 March 20204TH EDITION OF MONACO OCEAN WEEK – 11TH EDITION OF THE MONACO BLUE INITIATIVE – Given the evolution of the Coronavirus – Covid19 epidemic and considering the measures adopted by the governments of most countries and by the Government of Monaco, the organising institutions have taken the decision to cancel the 2020 edition of Monaco Ocean Week, a week of events dedicated to the preservation of the Ocean. All the events initially planned are therefore cancelled. Scheduled from 24 to 28 March 2020, this unifying event organised by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, the Monaco Institute of Oceanography, the Monaco Science Centre and the Monaco Yacht Club with the support of the Prince’s Government, has been postponed to the week from 22 to 27 March 2021, as well as the 11th edition of the Monaco Blue Initiative.


1st April 2020  – LARVOTTO CONSTRUCTION TO RESUME IN MONACO – Marie-Pierre Gramaglia, minister of public works, the environment and urban development, has just announced the €2 billion Larvotto land extension site will reopen. “This project is essential for the development of the Principality,” she said.The decision has been carefully considered, provided that there is a favorable outcome to the health crisis, to take advantage of the seaside this summer in a reduced capacity with the installation of small temporary snackbars, and to achieve the goal of completion by June 2021.” Rigorous criteria will be the benchmark in the reopening of Larvotto, one of the country’s thirteen sites closed down on March 17 due to the coronavirus health epidemic. Marie-Pierre Gramaglia, Government Counselor – Minister of Equipment, the Environment and Town Planning, detailed the rigorous conditions for the resumption of construction which concerns 40 to 60 workers. It will become a benchmark in terms of health security conditions. A safety auditor from @BureauVeritasFr will monitor on the spot daily the reinforced control of security measures: taking temperature at the entrance to the site, compulsory gloves, masks and gel equipment, restrictive arrangement of cantonments, lunches on site with respect for distances, reinforced hygiene of equipment and vehicles.

Monaco is a principality in constant transition, and no project is currently more attention-grabbing as the six-hectare land reclamation development underway off the coast at Larvotto, decided at the end of the year 2016.

Source : EUROPE Diplomatic

Read more: In connection with the first work on the Offshore Urban Extension Project in the Portier Cove, a Sovereign Ordinance has been published in the Journal de Monaco of Friday 3 February 2017 to establish a “working area in which access to the public is forbidden.”  (Sovereign Ordinance No. 6.256 of 30 January 2017 regulating navigation, anchoring, fishing, underwater fishing, sea bathing and water sports and underwater diving in the working area of the Offshore Urban Extension Project in the Portier Cove: this area, marked by yellow buoys, extends from the Larvotto Marine Reserve in the east to the Spélugues coral reef in the west.

Sailing and anchoring boats is strictly forbidden in this area.  Fishing, underwater fishing, bathing and underwater diving are also prohibited in this zone. Adjacent to this area, “a working area in which anchoring boats is forbidden” extends across a strip 60 metres offshore, in front of the Larvotto Marine Reserve in the east to the Spélugues coral reef in the west. These two areas have been created for safety reasons, giving access only to ships involved in operations related to the Offshore Urban Extension Project.  Underwater diving in connection with this work will also be permitted. In fact, as “… the future of Montecarlo is in the sea”, Albert II wishes to create a new marine ecosystem, following the will of his ancestor Prince Albert I of Monaco, explorer of the seas and founder of the Oceanographic Museum.

October 7 and 8, 2020 – HEALTH WORLD MONACO 2020 – Monaco’s connected health events took place under the title of ConnectedHealthMonaco 2015, ConnectedHealthMonaco 2016 and, under the name of e-Healthworld Monaco in 2017, 2018, March 2019 and October 2019. Due to the extraordinary context created by the COVID-19, speculation on the duration of the latter, uncertainty about the economic and political consequences, and the essential serenity necessary for the organization of the ‑HealthWorld, the organizing committee decided to postpone the next edition which was to be held on October 7 and 8, 2020 to a later date. In this period of the coronavirus pandemic, all our thoughts go out to all of our fellow citizens and, more particularly to those who suffer and die and their families, without forgetting the other countries also hard hit.They also go to health professionals whose current efforts and those to come will be major to get us out of this ordeal. Their difficult working conditions mean that many of them will emerge exhausted from this situation. When all the above data can be correctly assessed, the dates will be fixed; in March 2021, if the conditions are met. Good luck to you and your loved ones. See you soon.

Montecarlotimes expresses sympathy to his followers in these difficult times. We invite you to listen to the statements of health specialists in order to take effective action and overcome the epidemic of COVID19. Take care of yourself and everyone close to you.

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